Nippon Wasp Nest Destroyer Foam Killer Spray Powder

Vitax, the manufacturer of Nippon Pest Control products is a global leader in pest control by developing innovative products based on the application of science and technology Wasp nests are not always noticeable until they have grown quite large, about the size of a rugby ball, and are often built-in roof spaces and wall cavities, or in bushes, hollow trees or soil banks below ground. Queen wasps hibernate during the winter and look for nesting sites in the spring. The queen lays 10 to 20 eggs which hatch into workers, and the nest can eventually contain up to 5000 wasps. Worker wasps usually start to construct the nest in June, gradually enlarging it until it reaches maximum size in September. Stinging often increases as the wasps become irritable, with the onset of cooler weather,.
