X Files: Season 8 DVD Sci-Fi & Fantasy (2002) Gillian Anderson Amazing Value

In 'Within' Scully and Skinner help search for the missing Mulder. 'Without' sees the search for Mulder reach the Arizona desert. 'Patience' finds Doggett on his first X Files case, investigating a series of strange murders. 'Roadrunners' has Scully in hot water when she meets a slug-worshipping religious cult. 'Invocation' concerns the case of a young boy who, after ten years missing, reappears without having aged a single day. 'Redrum' sees a high-profile lawyer baffled when he is imprisoned for a murder he can't remember. In 'Via Negativa' Doggett and Skinner come up against a cult leader who can kill people by entering their dreams. 'Surekill' finds Scully and Doggett investigating an unusual assassination.
