WILLY'S Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Real Live Mother 500 ml

Willy's Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with real live mother (500ml Glass Bottle). From Apple to bottle, we control the whole process; our fermented products are all organic, raw, unpasteurised and unfiltered; containing all the immunity boosting, probiotic goodness of our live real live mother. ‘The real live mother’ is the strands of beneficial proteins, enzymes and gut-friendly bacteria within raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Our Apple Cider Vinegar is made from 48 different Apple varieties, grown in our 300-year-old orchards in Herefordshire. We’re pioneering probiotic farming, meaning our orchards remain untouched by modern day farming practices, pesticides and artificial fertilisers. We recommend a diluted 25ml daily dose in water with Lemon and Ginger, or in your favourite Smoothie or just as part of your Salad Dressing.
