4 Packs🍒Rivercote Rice Crackers BBQ🍒4x100g=400g🍒 Baked,Vegan,Gluten Free

Indulge in a delicious and healthy snacking experience with 4 packs of Rivercote Rice Crackers BBQ, consisting of 4x100g each, totaling to 400g. These gluten-free, vegan, fairtrade, and crunchy crackers are made with soybeans and milk, and are perfect for satisfying your cravings for savory snacks. The British regional cuisine-inspired Rivercote Rice Crackers are not just tasty but also come with an expiry date of 2024, making them a great addition to your pantry. These crackers have a brand value of Rivercote and are not customized. They are ideal for serving as snacks and appetizers with any course of your choice.
