Radiator Convector Heater Type 11/21/22 | K1/P+/K2 Stelrad Compact Heating UK

Specification: 83mm - 94mm/101mm - 112mm/124mm - 135mm Projection from the wall, Width + Valves Pipe Centres, 51mm - 62mm/62mm - 73mm/73mm - 84mm Wall to Pipe Centres, 15mm (1/2") Inlets, 10 Years Guarantee. Heights From: 300 to 700 - Single and Double Panel Options | BTU's From: 868 to 12044 | Watts From: 255 to 3530 | kg From: 3 to 84 --- Supplied with: Radiator, Side Panels, Top Grille, Brackets, Masonry Fixings, Bleed Valve & Blanking Plug Included.
