Animated musical fantasy set in a parallel world where different lands represent different holiday periods. Our hero is Jack Skellington (voice of Chris Sarandon), a man from Halloween who becomes converted to Christmas and sets out to spread joy in the world. However, when Jack's new mission leads him to kidnap Santa (voice of Edward Ivory), it becomes clear that he is not really in tune with the Yuletide spirit. Produced and visualised by Tim Burton, this was the first full-length feature to use stop-motion animation throughout.
Walt Disney Pictures presents Tangled, one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wanted--and most charming--bandit Flynn Rider (voiced by Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, in search of a ticket out of the tower in which she's been locked for many years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief. The unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. Tangled is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hair--lots of hair.
Ikki must also stop the plans of the nefarious "RubberRobo Gang". Korean TV Series. Chinese TV Series. Taiwan TV Series. TV Series, 1-91 Episodes. DVD Details. Japanese Movie & Series. Disc Quantity .
Neon Genesis Evangelion Complete TV Series (Vol. Movie 2 : Evangelion Air. NEON Genesis. Episode:1-26 (End) + 6 Movies. Complete TV Series. Movie 3 : You Are (Not) Alone 1.0. Movie 4 : You Can (Not) Advance 2.0. ).
Of Discs: 1 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Universal Pictures UK Release Date: 05 Dec 2005 Edition: Normal. The voice cast also includes John Cleese, Cathy Cavadini and Jon Lovitz.